ChMeetings Q4 2019 Updates

October, November, and December 2019 Updates

What’s new?

We have been very busy these past few months making big changes in the ChMeetings application to include several updates across all platforms (web, Android and iOS).

All updates are built by Servants for Servants.

Custom Profile Fields

Customize the profile fields as you like by removing all the not used fields and add any number of needed custom fields, such as (Numbers, Multiline, Checkbox, Dropdown, Multiple choices, date, and even attachments).


Forms allow churches and ministries to create custom forms for people to fill out. Submissions could be linked with a person’s profile. Forms could be used in Event registration, Feedbacks, Surveys or polls.

Voice Messages & 2-Way Messaging

Simply record a voice message and send it to your congregation from the mobile or the web app. And when you send a text to your members, they can text you back.

Multiple Calendars in Events

Create multiple calendars for different types of events.

Birthdays, New Members and follow up notifications on web and mobile

Don’t miss any important notifications on your mobile like the members’ birthdays, new members added to the app and when you are getting assigned to some follow-up tasks.

Contributions & Giving (Coming Soon)

You will be able to store the givings, generate reports and collect the online givings.

Other updates

  • Getting notifications on the web version.
  • Send push notification to people from the person page.
  • Search by zip code or any custom fields in people’s advanced search.
  • Create cards for members with QR to take attendance quickly.
  • Schedule text or email messages.
  • The import from excel has been improved.
  • The family report becomes better and you can see all family members and be able to make a filter by age.
  • Easily share the calendar on your church website.
  • Many improvements to the Android and iOS app.
  • General performance improvements.

We thank all priests and church leaders for their contributions, to make the app better. We appreciate all feedback and encouragement.


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