The Chosen

4 Things The Chosen Highlighted On Screen

The Chosen series combined both the dramatic story we all like to watch & the biblical accuracy in terms of entertainment or escapism it has taken the world by storm with how humane accurate it portrays the Main Characters of The Gospel and here are main 4 things The Series Highlighted for each one of us. You can also read this short presentation about Jesus Wisdom & Teachings

1. God became a human and he is among us:

God Became Human and he is among us - The Chosen

Many have read the Gospel and also a large sector knows the word of God by heart; but we all know the concept of God and how almighty he is and how all powerful he really are …
but “The Chosen” framed the idea of the humbleness side of God who became a human being and lived to set an example for us that we needed as a guide into our life style Check Bible Study topics for guidance because the equation sets itself as we can’t reach heavens but heaven may reach us;

As we all know by heart and many of us heard the biblical stories of how God loves humanity since the old-testament up until the new-testament after all we’re mere humans we crave humane interactions. We do believe that God created us on his image & likeness so we do ask ourselves this, does God smile? Does he get sad? Can God feel joy? It may sound absurd, yes but we never saw him face to face before we wanted to but we didn’t. The show has drawn us closer to the Lord’s humane image, behavior & we interacted with him as we’ve ever wished.

2. Gospels came to life:

Gospels Came To Life

We all read short notes in the bible about the disciples back stories motives and a hint about their characteristics; however the question remains do we really know the Gospels? “The Chosen” have answered in a real emotionally intellectual way how are they acting how possibly would they follow Jesus despite the differences in each personality they became humans that really brought to our attention how the word of God and his teachings unite us as one flock under his care and supervision you can also read discipleship 101 ;

Heaven isn’t that far and God’s teachings were never limited by a certain time frame or a period of time; portraying the teachings of the Gospel itself and the visually vivid image the T.V. series has introduced to us make us believe as normal humans we can do it, we can follow, we can obey, we can serve God as the disciples did one day as God touched their hearts and belief system. We just need to put something into our minds saints were humans as much as we are and God once became a human and lived amongst us.

3. A Wake Up Call To follow:

We all have watched and saw the impact of Jesus Teachings amongst his people on screen and the disciples that the series vivid the idea that after all they were humans with flaws, that leaves a moral question “is it possible that I can follow him today despite me being me ?” The Answer is “Yes!” & the best timing to start is now. You Can Also Check this post about how we can stand a spiritual warfare that may separate us from the living word of God.

Jesus Himself encountered many obstacles with humans back in his time just like you, and he managed to deal with them if you can recall from the “The ChosenSeason 3 Episode 3 that appeared in the trailer as Jesus responded to the Rabbi: “I am the law of Moses”, if that would clear anything out it embodies the struggle of the human mind between believe & non-believe, that the truth lies in plain sight in-front of you and screaming here I am but you also choose to ignore it. It’s the state of denial the lord have to face with us on daily basis. But he chose to continue the path with us up until the very end as he’s willing to redeem you from the depth of darkness whether this darkness were thoughts, your own logic or even the base of your belief system or struggling with a sin. He stands before you and puts a kind-Fatherly Hands on your shoulders saying here I am it’s about time to wake up and change whatever the path you’d chosen for yourself and let me lead the way as I can see what you can’t right now.

4. A New Generation Of Disciples:

An Inspirational positive Attack that did cut thick through-out the series into the minds of youth people to consider their spiritual journey by taking disciples as an example of how course of life changing it brings the person through the encounter of God in his/ her life .

The Age group of youth now-a-days feel distant from the bible as some of them treat the living word of God as ancient expired scriptures lost its validity in our modern societies; but this can’t be true Morals should be handed down from one generation to the next — so how much more important is it to pass on faith and the teachings of the Lord? ; I think here the show interferes and highlights how the disciples in their young age following Jesus did benefit the society to spread God’s love and the good news of the kingdom of heaven being able to impact other’s lives by solidifying the spiritual changes in themselves increasing humbleness leaving their old life plans behind to deliver and spread the message of love and only love. How touching it really is to learn about yourself worth that you matter that you have a plan and a mission, despite your young age or lack of experiences. You can impact, you can change & most important you will positively touch the life of those around you.

At The End

The Chosen” is more than just a TV show; it’s an invitation to encounter Jesus and His disciples in a new way. By humanizing these biblical figures, the series helps us to connect with their stories on a deeper level understanding the main portraits of the show that God was once a human, there’s a new invitation for your salvation every-day, you’re welcome to be a new disciple of his and to draw us closer to Christ’s human side ourselves.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1- What’s “The Chosen” series about?

“The Chosen” a hit TV show that tells the story of Jesus Christ and his disciples in a fresh, emotional & relatable way. It brings the Biblical Events to life and shows what it might have been like to walk with Jesus.

2- How Does “The Chosen” Show God’s Human Side?

The show focus on Jesus’ Humanity while still honoring his divinity. It Portrays Him experiencing real emotions as joy, compassion & sorrow; helping viewers see him in relatable and loving the embodiment of God’s love to Humanity.

3- How can I watch “The Chosen”? Is it free?

Yes, it’s completely free! You can stream “The Chosen” on the official The Chosen App (available for IOS & Android), on You-tube, or through The Angel Studios Website. The show is completely funded by viewer donations, so it is free for anyone to enjoy.

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