Bible Study Topics for Young Adults

6 Bible Study Topics for Young Adults to Find Guidance

Young adulthood defines change and growth, and more saliently, discovery. In such a world replete with distractions and shifting values, young adults’ attention would mostly be spent in quests for guidance, a sense of purpose, and how to negotiate life’s challenges.

Nevertheless, the Bible is such a treasure that is full of timeless wisdom, to be brought to each generation, but most especially to the young adults endeavoring to establish a firm foundation of faith.

Exploring identity in Christ, managing stress, relationships, and career ambitions are all relevant Bible study topics for young adults that could change the way they approach their spiritual journey.

1. Identity in Christ: Who Am I?

Perhaps the most important question that young adults ask themselves is, “Who am I?” The world stands screaming, telling people to identify themselves by what they accomplish, how they look, or what others perceive them to be. Yet, the Bible provides a countercultural view: it summons young adults to find their identity not in the external but in Christ.

Through Bible study, youth learn how their identity in Christ redefines their lives. Key passages to study include Ephesians 1:3-14, where they unpack the blessings and promises that God had chosen them, loved them, and redeemed them. Scriptures like 2 Corinthians 5:17 remind us that we are new creations in Christ, while Galatians 2:20 emphasizes that our identity is now intertwined with Christ’s sacrifice.

Discussions could include the implementation of the dynamics of this identity into everyday living, fighting the urge to seek validation from the world, and finding assurance in being God’s creation.

Key Scriptures to Explore:

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Ephesians 1:3-14
  • Galatians 2:20

2. Purpose and Calling: What’s My Role?

To many young adults, finding life’s purpose is overwhelming. The study will help guide the participants through a biblical framework in which they can discover their God-given calling.

Bible study is an opportunity for young adults to pause and think about their talents and passions and how God could use those for His kingdom. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God has a plan for each one of us. But it takes prayer, perseverance, and faithfulness to realize that.

It is verses like Proverbs 3:5-6 that will call the believer to trust God for guidance, while Ephesians 2:10 speaks to the good works He has prepared for us to walk in. Bible study can wrap up with practical ways to proceed toward seeking God’s will through prayer, engaging with the community, and progressing spiritually.

Key Scriptures to Explore:

  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Ephesians 2:10

3. Overcoming Anxiety and Stress: Trusting God in Hard Times

Anxiety and stress from school, work, or personal relationships assail young adults in their daily walks. This Bible study focuses on God’s promises of peace and some practical ways to trust Him through life’s uncertainties.

The study will show young adults how to fight anxiety by standing on the character of God, resting in His Word, and changing the focus from fear to faith. Looking into scriptures like Matthew 6:25-34, where a believer is reminded not to worry about tomorrow, engages a participant in placing trust in the provision and care of God. Philippians 4:6-7 summons the believer to bring one’s anxieties before God in prayer, with the full trust that God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard the heart and mind.

Key Scriptures to Explore:

  • Philippians 4:6-7
  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • 1 Peter 5:7

4. Counseling for Relationships: Biblical Wisdom for Friendships and Dating

Relationships make up the core of a young adult’s life—friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and family. Here is a Bible study that gives the basic biblical principles for building relationships that glorify God and result in authentic connections.

This can help young adults grasp the need for godly influences around them, apply healthy boundaries, and pursue relationships that reflect God’s love.  Proverbs 27:17 brings into view the sharpening effect of friendship, while 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes the characteristics of love that should be the guiding factor in romantic relationships. Conversations about relationships can revolve around the interplay between grace and truth, the process of forgiveness, and the importance of mutual support.

Key Scriptures to Explore:

  • Proverbs 27:17
  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  • Ephesians 4:2-3

5. Faith and Doubt: Overcoming Uncertainty in Your Spiritual Journey

Quite often, young adults have moments of reevaluation regarding their Christian walk when they are confronted with different worldviews or troubled times. This Bible study looks at doubt from a biblical perspective, encouraging young adults to embrace their questions while seeking God’s truth.

In this process, the participants in the study will learn to process their doubts within a caring community, seeking their answers through prayer, Scripture, and conversations with trusted spiritual leaders. James 1:5 invites believers to ask God for wisdom without any hesitation, while Mark 9:24 shows how even in doubt faith can grow. By exploring the accounts of biblical characters who experience doubt (such as Thomas in John 20:24–29), young adults can be reassured that their doubt is a step toward a deeper level of faith.

Key Scriptures to Explore:

  • James 1:5
  • Mark 9:24
  • John 20:24-29

6. Social Justice and Faith: Living Out the Gospel in Action

With social justice at the forefront, young adults are seeking a place to meet between their faith and issues related to justice, equality, and compassion. This will be a study that encourages young adults to look at how they can be a light in the communities, standing up for the vulnerable and speaking on behalf of issues that are considered right. 

Scripture, cited in Micah 6:8, exhorts believers to act justly and mercifully. It also notes how frequently Jesus extended his ministry to the weak and oppressed. Participants will be joining discussions on topics like racism, poverty, and injustice, highlighting practical ways to live out faith by using acts of service and advocacy.

Key Scriptures to Explore:

  • Micah 6:8
  • Isaiah 1:17
  • Matthew 25:31-40

By incorporating these interesting and relevant topics in Bible study for young adults, they would be engaged on a meaningful spiritual journey that equips them with biblical wisdom and faith-based confidence to face the battles of life.

For more guidance, explore the best 6 Bible apps to read the Bible in a year.


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