Pastors in Canada

The Complete Guide to Be a Pastor In Canada

There will always be a demand for pastors in Canada, as people will need pastors who can help them understand their faith and guide them through difficult times. Pastors are also critical to supporting their local communities and enriching the lives of everyone.

You can become a pastor yourself, although the steps you’ll need to take to get there are plentiful. The timeframe for how long it takes to become a pastor will vary by person, but it can take a few years to get there in most cases. The effort is necessary for showing the church that you are committed to your work and are ready to reasonably and properly serve others.

Here are some steps for how you can become a pastor in Canada.

1- Talk with church leaders for help.

Before you can get started, you’ll have to show you are genuinely interested in becoming a pastor. Many church groups and educational programs won’t accept just any person who wants to be a pastor. You have to be an outstanding member of your church who is respected and fully understands your faith.

Good-standing church members are people who attend regular services and provide assistance and volunteer services or help with managing various activities. People who show their commitment to the church are often more likely to receive admission to a study program to become a pastor, so look at how well you reflect your church’s views. Some schools may require you to provide references from your local church before entering your study program.

2- Complete your educational studies.

After receiving admission and approval, you can complete your college or university studies. You can get a degree in a religious studies program, although a master’s degree in theology or divinity is ideal. It’s often easier to find a program at a Christian college, although some public schools may also have programs.

The studies you’ll complete can include understanding Biblical concepts, church history, ethics in running a church, and how to plan masses and other events. Each degree program has different timeframes and study plans, so look carefully at what you will explore.

Some of the courses you might complete can involve systematic theology, ministerial ethics, and church administration and planting. You might also have to study things like Latin and Greek, as many concepts in the Christian faith come from those languages. The history of Israel is another point to study, as the faith originates from that part of the world.

The thorough studies you’ll complete can take about one to two years in most cases, although the timing may be longer if you are looking to attain a master’s degree. Expect to use as least 120 credit hours in your study.

Any prior educational experience you have from another accredited college in Canada could be utilized as credits toward a degree in theology or divinity, but the rules for what will work vary by school.

3- Conduct studies with a senior minister.

Many pastor candidates in Canada will need to complete some studies with a senior minister while in school. You can work as an assistant or understudy of a minister or pastor at an existing church somewhere in Canada. Many churches and organizations are often looking for people who want to be associate pastors, so look around to see what is open.

Pastors training program

4- Participate in a training program.

A separate training program may be necessary for some students. These programs are often offered by the same schools that provide theology degrees.

A training program can include a mission internship where you will work for a few weeks at a particular mission event at a church. You may also enter a more thorough internship with that church for a few months. The work will help you understand more about how you’ll carry out your services as a pastor.

5- You also have to be ordained after completing your training and education.

The ordainment policy involves you being formally declared to work as a pastor in Canada. You will require a proper ordainment license from the proper group to officially become a pastor.

The Evangelical Association is the most notable group that offers ordainment services in Canada. The group will help a graduate student with the ordainment process, including providing the necessary credentials and documentation needed to be ordained.

You’ll also have to consider the Registrar General in your province to obtain your license to work as a pastor. For example, you would have to contact ServiceOntario for assistance if you live in Ontario and want to be licensed there, while people in Alberta would have to consult Alberta Registry Services for assistance.

Pastors leaders in Canada

6- After receiving your proper certification, you can talk with leaders at your church about formal ordination.

You can ask your church about the ordainment ceremony, during which you can receive your certificate and be formally declared as a pastor. This step will help confirm your efforts to become a pastor in Canada. This event is a major part in your work, as you are showing your true commitment to service your church and community.

7- You can start looking for jobs with your certification.

While becoming ordained is great, you’ll still need to find a suitable job where you can utilize everything you have learned in your work. You can list in your resume details on everything you’ve done to become a pastor. You can incorporate points like your certifications, degree, and any volunteering or community service work you’ve conducted. The resume should include points on how you can manage a church and keep your operations organized. Information on communicating with people and supporting others in various situations is also encouraged. You can let people know in your resume how you have been so committed to serving others and helping people thrive.

You can find various websites that offer jobs for pastors in Canada. Christian Careers Canada is one place worth exploring, although more traditional places like LinkedIn and Glassdoor will offer openings.

Does a pastor get paid? If so, who pays for their salary?

The pastor is paid by the church. The church makes a budget every year, including the salaries of its employees: pastor(s), administrative assistant(s), youth/family ministry directors, etc.

What do pastors use computers for?

Pastors can use computers to email the congregation, do research, catch up on the news, etc.

How do pastors get paid?

Most of the pastors are given a salary by the church. The members of the church give voluntary contributions, which in turn pay the pastor, in addition to paying for maintenance of the church building and supplies, etc. This is the primary source of income for pastors.

Can you be a pastor without being ordained?

There are several church denominations where ordination is not a requirement for pastoral ministry. Most of the Baptist denominations fit into this category, as do many nondenominational churches. There is also no seminary requirement in order to be ordained for a number of denominations.

Should a pastor control a church’s finances?

Biblical pattern certainly shows that the pastor should be involved in oversight into the finances of the church, but Scripture also instructs the attitude and actions of the pastor to avoid his disqualifying influence and trust.


These steps for becoming a pastor in Canada are plentiful, but they are necessary for helping you make that move to become an essential figure in your community. People around Canada will turn to their pastors for help and guidance, and they trust their local churches to serve their needs.

You can learn everything about how to successfully run a church and help others when you go through the necessary educational points and training measures. Be sure to consult a school near you for details on what you can do to get there, and talk with your church for help as necessary.

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