3 Sermon Series Ideas For 2025
Are you a pastor who’s trying to come up with a sermon series? Are you finding it challenging to come up with fresh sermon series ideas? Don’t feel bad. If you don’t know what to preach on next week then don’t worry because today we’ll be giving you easy sermon series ideas that will have your church members excited about what they hear every day.
Remember, a good idea doesn’t have to be a new idea. Jesus taught the same principles over and over again to his disciples and others around Him. Why? Because they’re important (and we mortals are quick to forget)! It’s okay to preach about the same basic ideas like prayer, faith, repentance, fasting, hope, trust, and more. Those are values that people need now more than ever.
Preaching is a skill. It’s more than simply knowing the bible well enough to convey a message on a certain subject. It’s prioritizing the importance of preparation for that specific message. If you don’t, you might run into situations where people will not clearly understand God’s word, and He might be misrepresented because of it. We know that preparing for sermons every Sunday can be exhausting. Just remember, God called you to do this and you have His power! Keep that in mind as you consider the following ideas for your next sermons series.
Parables of Jesus
There is SO much wisdom in the parables that Jesus taught! There’s also plenty to choose from. Using the parables of Jesus also gives you a lot of flexibility. You can customize your teaching
Here are just a few of the parables that Jesus taught and where they’re located in the Bible:
- Wise and foolish builders: Matthew 7: 24-27, Luke 6: 47-49
- The sower: Matthew 13: 3-23, Mark 4:3-20, Luke 8:5-15
- Mustard seed: Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-32, Luke 13:18-19
- Hidden treasure and the pearl: Matthew 13:44-46
- Net and the fish: Matthew 13:47-50
- 99 Sheep: Matthew 18:12-14
- Unmerciful servant: Matthew 18:23-31
- Workers in the vineyard: Matthew 20:1-16
- Fig tree: Matthew 24: 32-35, Mark 13:28-29, Luke 21:29-31
- Ten virgins” Matthew 25:1-13
- Talents: Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-27
- Rich fool: Luke 12:16-21
- Moneylender: Luke 7:41-43
- Good Samaritan: Luke 10:30-37
- Lost sheep: Luke 15:3-7
- Prodigal son: Luke 15:11-32
We invite you to diligently study these parables to determine what your “flock of sheep” could benefit from most. Remember to ask questions that help those you teach evaluate what the parable means in modern days and how they can apply it to their life.
In today’s world, people need more trust in Jesus! With the Covid pandemic, many have been left feeling hopeless and afraid. It’s your responsibility to enable those with open hearts to find hope and trust in Jesus once more. But how?
It’s hard to gain trust in Jesus without first praying and communicating with Him. We also know that prayer is another way to call down Heaven’s blessings and take hold of the power of The Lord. Enable those you preach to regain faith, trust, and hope in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by teaching about the who, what, and why of prayer.
Here are some great verses to use as references for preparing your sermon series:
- John 15:7
- Mark 11:24
- Romans 8:26
- Matthew 6:6
- Matthew 26:41
- Ephesians 6:18
- Psalm 34:17
- James 5:16
- Matthew 6:9-13
- Luke 18:1
- 1 Timothy 2:1-4
- Colossians 4:2
- 2 Chronicles 7:14
- James 5:13-18
Wow! There is so much power in these versus. We invite you to look these up individually, study them in your hearts and minds, and ask Jesus how you could best preach His word to your congregations.
And He Shall Be Called….
This is a fun series you could start around Christmas time. Isaiah 9:6 states “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Build a sermon series around the names of Jesus. Here are a few ideas of questions you could ask yourself while preparing a sermon for each name:
- Wonderful: How is Jesus wonderful? What about His sacrifice and earthly mission is so wonderful? How do we show Jesus how wonderful He is to us?
- Counselor: How is Jesus our counselor? How did he counsel others in the Bible? When was a time you felt counseled by Jesus?
- The Mighty God: What does it mean to be mighty? How is Jesus mighty? What are instances in the Bible where He shows His might?
- The Everlasting Father: What does everlasting mean? How is Jesus both the Father and the Son? How is Jesus our Father? What does it mean to be a Father? What does that mean about Jesus?
- The Prince of Peace: How is Jesus a prince? How does Jesus bring peace to our lives? How can we feel the peace that comes with Jese? When did Jesus bring peace to others in the Bible?
We hope that you yourself have experienced all the names given to Jesus. Jesus really is Wonderful, a Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting father, and the Prince of Peace. The more you believe that and have experienced that for yourself, the more power you can teach with.
We hope these ideas will help you as you prepare for the upcoming sermons you will give. Jesus is with you in all that you do. Let His Holy Spirit guide you as you determine what your congregation needs to hear. God bless you!